Welcome to my website! Before I go on, I’m very, very pleased to announce the publication of my recent novel, Cold Inn: an era-spanning tale of mystery, time travel and romance set in the heart of the beautiful Pembrokeshire countryside. To buy it or to look inside, simply click on the appropriate box under the cover image below:

This year I’m continuing my ongoing research exploring olfaction as a part of religious, spiritual, and extraordinary human experiencing. There has been surprisingly little research on the topic of what these experiences actually smell like so I’m delighted to be treading a still relatively untrodden and unexplored field. I presented the first ‘fruit’ of that work at the Quaker Fellowship for Afterlife Studies’ annual conference last year at Charney Manor, Oxfordshire where I gave a paper under the conference’s general theme: ‘What next – and how do we prepare for it?’

This year I continued to share the findings of my research with a talk on premonitions, preternatural knowledge and olfaction at the Unitarian Society for Psychical Studies’ annual conference at Warwick on 28th September alongside long-time Forteans Rob Gandy and Alan Murdie. I’ll be uploading the text of my talk to the Blog page of this site in due course.

I have had a long and fruitful association with the USPS so I was also delighted to present a paper on my ‘Fifth Love’ research to the Midland Unitarian Association in Birmingham on 23rd March. My book based on that research is still available and you can find it under the ‘Books’ tab.

In December 2022, after seven years, I came to the end of my final term as trustee of the Alister Hardy Society. I have been a member of the AHS for a long time and much of my published research has drawn extensively from the archive of the Religious Experience Research Centre: an archive which is closely related to the Society and currently open to all of its members. But, as the saying goes, one door shuts as another opens and I was delighted to take up a trustee position on the Council of the Churches Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies at the CFPSS annual conference in October last year (which unfortunately I missed due to a bout of shingles). I look forward to serving the Fellowship, with whom I already have a long and rich acquaintance, in the months and years ahead.

I hope that you enjoy this site. I update it regularly and the ‘Blog’ tab, in particular, takes you to my very latest writing: including my published articles, review articles, reviews, texts of talks and more. There are details of all of my books – including links to Amazon – via the ‘Books’ tab and elsewhere and you can find a more ‘formal’ description of what I’ve been historically researching and writing about via the ‘About’ and ‘Archive’ pages. If you would like to contact me to share an experience, to find out more about my books, to buy a book directly from me, or for some other reason, please do so via the ‘Contact’ tab and I will get back to you as soon as possible: usually within twenty-four hours.

Thanks for reading! Now read on…